
Canon EOS 7D, canon 50mm f1.8, tamron 28-300mm, red snapper tripod, wireless shutter release.

Tuesday 17 August 2010

Resting Dragonfly

Resting Dragonfly
Originally uploaded by Bigster.
I snapped this Dragonfly having a rest in my back yard, i love the colours.

Monday 16 August 2010

morning rain on the plants

morning rain on the plants
Originally uploaded by Bigster.
I love the not only the water drops but also the contrast between the orange and the green colours.


Originally uploaded by Bigster.
This is one of the first images i took with my 550D, i would like to think that i caught the action quite well.


Originally uploaded by Bigster.
i love the delicate design of dandelion seeds

small pink flowers

small pink flowers
Originally uploaded by Bigster.
These flowers are only a few milimetres across, i love the colour