
Canon EOS 7D, canon 50mm f1.8, tamron 28-300mm, red snapper tripod, wireless shutter release.

Friday, 17 September 2010


I just gave my car a bit of a clean and why not blog it so here she is.

Great Tit

After yesterdays hunt for bugs i decided to move up from ground level and try and capture some birds in the trees around my home, there was not many about, but i got this nice shot of a great tit right at the top off a tree.i've had to crop it a bit so that he stood out in the image.

Thursday, 16 September 2010


Today i thought i would get out into the garden and see what insects i could find, not realy that many but i found a few.

Monday, 13 September 2010

Church with a view

I took this shot from the roof top of the church when i took the shots for my panoramic images, i have to say it was very high up there.

Sunday, 12 September 2010

Morning dew

I took these first thing this morning everything was drenched in the morning dew but these two flowers caught my eye because they are the size of a twenty pence piece, so the water drops are tiny.